When we arrived at New York's JFK airport, we received an urgent message to call home. When I found out my office had been broken into, my head spun!! What about all of out master tapes, photos, and the incredible footage that we just shot in Cabo San Lucas? Did they steal it all > Shane took charge of the camera and stayed in New York to fulfill our obligations, while I flew back to LA. Wait to you see what Shane cums up with in New York. You won't believe it till you see it !!! First she coaxes a real New York City Fireman to put the flames out in the back of her throat. Then she convinces a guy to open his coffee shop early and proceeds to negotiate a cup of coffee for a "BJ". Shane has always said "The Early bird catches the worm." When Shane gets back home she really tries to get my mind off the robbery. How??.. A trip to the Colorado River.. That;s how!!! That's Shane!!!